Effective Casting Simulation Web-Based Training Using

SOLIDCast in action SOLIDCast in action SOLIDCast in action

Registration Form

Please register me for the following class session(s):

No Training Class Available!!

Class Fees are US$300 per person, per session. If more than one person per company registers, there is a US$100 per person discount on additional registrations. Class fees will be credited upon purchase of the software, if done during the 45-day evaluation period.

All sessions will be conducted from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Central Daylight Time. Sessions will be recorded and distributed to the attendees after the class completes. Additional case studies will be provided to all session attendees after the class.

NOTE: Payment is required to secure your reservation in this course. Once payment is processed, we will forward a link to you to acquire all course materials and to connect to the on-line session.